On January 20th public lectures in English on marketing and strategies in travel industry are held by Italian and Belarusian professors

On January 20th the public lectures in English will be held by foreign professors within the framework of the Winter Online School "Your Global Opportunities: International Perspectives". All interested are welcome!

15.00-16.20 (Tomsk time)

Prof. Yulia A. Shavruk

Dean of the Faculty of International Business Communications, State University of Economics, Belarus
Аnalysis of corporate strategies in the sphere of tourism

16.40 — 18.00 (Tomsk time)

Prof. Roberto Bruni

Department of Economics and Law, University of Cassino and South Lazio, Italy
The concept of "marketing value co-creation driven"

The link https://zoom.us/j/92310394517?pwd=TmlmaE5ncEZmMWgxejBGMmliQ1Jqdz09