New programs and strong students: heads of IEM departments summed up the results of 2018

On the eve of the New Year, the heads of the departments of the TSU Institute of Economics and Management summed up the results of 2018, outlined plans for the future, and also congratulated colleagues and students. New topical programs as a response to market demand, victories in grant competitions, publications in high-rating magazines - these and other significant events were named in the interview.

Dmitry Khloptsov, Head of the Department of Economics:

- This year, the IEM’s special positions were formed: now it is the only structural unit, which trains qualified economists. The IEM maintains its position as a center of economic education of Tomsk and Siberia.

It is also important for me to say about appraisers because I am responsible for this area. 2017 was very difficult for additional education, and especially for the assessment (due to the introduction of the qualification exam). And 2018 showed an increased interest in additional education, and this resulted in its revival, and in the IEM new program State Cadastral Valuation was opened.

I wish in the New Year more efficient use of the material capabilities of IEM (first of all, the new building) and fruitful collaboration!

Evgenia Nekhoda, Head of the Department of Strategic Management and Marketing:

In the life of the Department of Strategic Management and Marketing 2018, several key events have occurred.

First, the Department won the prestigious grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, The Business Model of Companies as the Basis for the Formation of Common Values and Social Capital (implementation period - 2018-2020).

Second, the faculty of the Department was strengthened by three new employees (a Doctor and two Candidates of Sciences) that were accepted.

Third, the Department was involved in the implementation of additional vocational education programs, in particular, two new programs: Project Management and Lean Production System.

Svetlana Martynova, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration:

- A significant milestone has arrived at our Bachelor’s program: this year we began to study Bachelor’s student precisely in the profile of the State Medical University under the Management area. Our further task is to make such groups more numerous.

This year's magistracy has a remarkable result of recruitment: thanks to the high competition, we received an unprecedentedly strong group - we have not had one like this yet! All the guys are well prepared, many of them have experience and achievements in science (published articles, letters, and awards). With such undergraduates, you can solve complex problems! I think our approach played an important role: we paid great attention to the promotion of the magistracy (booklets, social networks, and others).

We have a lot of plans and we are generally pleased with the way the year has developed. We are thinking of how to expand the portfolio of programs, how to attract new audiences and new grants. 

I wish everyone in the New Year that your plans come true, I wish you confidence in the future, an interesting scientific search, capable and fruitful students with whom it is pleasant to work, and human happiness!

Vladimir Dombrovsky, Head of the Department of Information Technology and Business Intelligence:

In 2018, the staff of the department has published an article in the high-rating international journal Automatica (impact factor 6.126). The article proposes an effective method of managing complex nonlinear dynamic stochastic systems, and the results are applied to solving the actual problem of financial management - managing the investment portfolio in complex financial markets.

Another important event for the department is the first graduation of Master’s students on the Business Analyst profile.

Our Bachelor’s Business Analyst student of IEM won in two nominations in the regional hackathon Open data of Tomsk Region at once, creating socially useful mobile applications in 24 hours. The TakeFive team became the winner in the Best Open Data Visualization nomination by proposing the TomBestHome project to search for a relevant place of residence based on user preferences. Team Bayes' Formula was declared the winner in the additional category Best IT Solution for Districts and Settlements.

Svetlana Litvina, Head of the Department of Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management:

Our department staff implemented an open program Personnel Management of a Modern Organization with the involvement of managers and leading specialists of Russian companies.

Also, our department held a round table discussion Managerial Competencies and Educational Technologies of their Formation under the international conference HR-trend 2018. The main topics of discussion were the practice of forming and assessing current competencies in the public administration and business management and the value bases of economic and managerial decisions.

Larisa Grinkevich, Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting:

- Dear colleagues, friends of the university, and students! I congratulate you on the coming New Year! May it be filled with joy, happy moments, and new achievements. I wish TSU to become the locomotive of the Siberian Research and Education Center. All the best in the new, 2019 year!