4 additional education programs of IEM TSU were recognized as the best in Russia
Four programs of additional professional education at IEM TSU received the highest marks at the All-Russian competition Educational Marathon and are included in the Bank of Best Practices. Among them are MBA Agribusiness, State Cadastral Valuation, Lean Production System, and Personnel Management of a Modern Organization.
In total, the number of leaders of the competition included 20 TSU programs of additional professional education.
The participation in the project implies passing the ABV-test for the compliance of programs with the current requirements set for them by the main stakeholders. The victory in the Educational Marathon means the compliance of IEM TSU programs with these requirements.
Among the criteria for which the assessment was carried out were: compliance of the program with sectoral and regional labor market requirements, availability of lecturers - experts with practical experience, external quality assessment of the program – accreditation and certification, involvement of market participants in the development of the program, internships in the development of the program, and modern forms and means of education.
For example, the MBA Agribusiness program in June 2017 has received international accreditation at the meeting of the governing council of AgriMBA in Debrecen (Hungary). Experts highly appreciated the selection and qualification of Russian and international teachers.
- We are actively working on expanding the additional professional education program portfolio, constantly improving existing programs, engaging representatives and companies in the development and teaching, commented Irada Magayeva, the director of the office of executive programs, MBA at TSU Institute of Economics and Management. - I would like to note that IEM is developing and successfully implementing advanced training programs commissioned by companies, budget institutions, and universities.