Registration for the V Russia-wide (including international participants) Academic Competition “Management and Entrepreneurship” is open
IEM Professor commemorated by The Ministry of Education and Science
During international roundtable challenges faced by modern management were discussed
Start of the Winter Online International Management School
IEM postgraduate student Zhang Ze won TSU competition for enhanced scholarship
Winter Online School on International Management (in English) starts on January 20
You are invited to attend the lecture by Igor Chepenkov, manager of PJSC Sberbank Tomsk branch
Dr. Gianluca Grimalda will hold a lecture at the IEM on the topic of economic experiments on income redistribution in different countries
IEM students can get a personal Timur Khismatullin scholarship
November 14-17, IEM will hold events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of economic education in Siberia
IEM invites students to participate in the GAIDPARK discussion school
The strategic partners of the Institute are more than 20 international and russian organizations. They hold business schools and master classes, establish personal scholarships, provide places for internships and practice, which give significant advantages in finding a job