November 14-17, IEM will hold events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of economic education in Siberia
On October 22, 1898, the Faculty of Law of the Tomsk Imperial University has opened the Department of Political Economy and Statistics. 120 years ago it marked the beginning of educational and scientific activities in economic disciplines in the territory from the Urals and to the Far East.
From November 14 to November 17, IEM will host anniversary events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of economic education in Siberia and the Far East.
The anniversary celebrations program includes:
November, 14 - All-Russian seminar Modern Technologies and Practices of Teaching Economic Disciplines
November, 15 - a round table Partisans of Change: Hidden and Clear Leaders of Change at the conference HR-trend 2018
November, 16
10:00 - meeting of the IEM Supervisory Board
15:00 - ceremonial meeting of the IEM Academic Council
18:00 - student's theatrical business performance
In addition, from 14 to 17 November, open lectures, seminars, and master classes by the world's leading economists will be held (topics are being formed).
Organizing Committee: Oksana Kozlovskaya, Chairman of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk Region, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Economics and Management; Victor Dyomin, TSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, the Director of the Institute of Economics and Management
Members of the organizing committee: Dmitriy Khloptsov, Head of the Department of Economics; Evgeniya Nekhoda, Head of the Department of Strategic Management and Marketing; Larisa Grinkevich, Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting; Vladimir Dombrovsky, Head of the Department of Information Technology and Business Analytics; Svetlana Litvina, Head of the Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management.