Check-in process for “Management of The Future” Conference has started

The “Management of The Future” is a platform for cooperation between talented students and leading Russian companies with the prospect of shaping future generation of top managers and professionals in economics and technologies. The Conference has been organized by the Graduate School of Management of the Saint Peterburg University with annual invitation of the top Russian companies: “VTB”, “BIOCAD”, “Severstal”, “VK”, “Gaspromneft” and others.

In 2004 the Conference will act as a host for more than 100 students from all around Russia at the site of modern country campus of SPbU “Mikhaylovskaya Dacha”. The expenses of the participants for accommodation and transportation will be compensated. There also will be the possibility to participate in some activities of the Conference online for the students and graduates taking part in the selection process. Third- and fourth-years bachelor students, fourth, fifth- and sixth-years specialist students, first and second-year master students and graduates of 2022-24 with any degree can participate in the selection process. The most important requirement is a proactive approach to life, social skills and personal experience.

Participation in the Conference is a beautiful opportunity to participate in the event of all-Russia scale, meet talented and ambitious likeminded people, communicate with top managers of leading Russian companies and get recruited for the job of your dream.

How to take part:

Up to July 31st fill up the form on the web-site or on our VK-group;

Having filled the form complete the CV screening, testing and give a video-interview;

Receive the invitation for the Conference.

More information on the selection process: the web-site, VK-group.

See you at the Conference!