First graduates of program Entrepreneurship and Project Management – CAPTAINS received diplomas

The first graduates of the bachelor program “Entrepreneurship and Project Management – CAPTAINS” received the diplomas. They were greeted by the rector of TSU Eduard Galazhinskiy and the virst vice-rector Viktor Dyomin.

The CAPTAINS program is unique and new for TSU. It started in September 2020 at the premises of IEM. From the very first year the students develop their own business projects, take part in the workshops on the basics of project activities and teambuilding and also receive the actual knowledge of management from IEM professors, businessmen and couches.

Each and every Captain has personal experience of carrying out his own start-up. That’s exactly what is special about our education, the students write on the public page of the Program on VKontakte social net. They also have the opportunity to make their startup a graduation project. There are winners of different grants by “Student Startup” program and “Rosmolodezh” among the students, for example Nikolay Latyshev and Semen Poskannoy.

The teams of captains’ community are very active at generating new projects. Thus, a lot of pupils from Tomsk took part in All-Russian Program «START-UP SCHOOL», business workshops and quiz focused on development of entrepreneurial skills, under tenure of TSU students.

Great attention is paid to the English language in the educational process when additional modules include strategic board game Go and karate.

The Entrepreneurship and Project Management – CAPTAINS Program is unique for TSU. It’s the first business accelerator built into an academic program in Russia, the Program Manager Viktoria Makoveeva comments. The program is dedicated to development of entrepreneurial thinking and leadership skills of the students which allows them to become successful managers or start their own businesses.

Almost half of the 26 graduates are planning to undertake a master’s degree in Tomsk and Moscow. Some of them have already created their own startups.

The Program’s website and VKonakte page

General Information:

The academic program CAPTAINS is carried out by TSU in cooperation with the charity fund for academic programs CAPTAINS.