Dr. Gianluca Grimalda will hold a lecture at the IEM on the topic of economic experiments on income redistribution in different countries
As part of the upcoming international economic symposium at the IEM “Integration of Siberia into the Global Socio-Economic Space”, Gianluca Grimalda, senior researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy will give a lecture. The expert’s presentation in the field of experimental methods of economic research is planned for 18:30 on October 17, audience 105 (110) 31-th IEM building (12, Ushayna Naberezhnaya St.).
On October 17-19, the Institute of Economics and Management will host an international economic symposium. Among speakers Gianluca Grimalda with the report “Income inequality and preferences for redistribution: Experimental evidence fr om Norway, Germany, Italy, the US and Papua New Guinea "). The field of scientific interests of Gianluca Grimalda is quite wide: income inequality, cooperation, immigration, social cohesion, violence. The lecture will be held in English without translation.
- We met this incredibly interesting researcher in connection with our common project, an experiment on cooperation among people under the threat of climate change,” says Marina Ryzhkova, professor of economics at the IEM. - This time, the study that Gianluca will talk about does not include Tomsk and even Russia. They work as a team in different countries where they make comparisons: how people in rich and poor countries relate to sharing their money, investing it, giving it to foreigners. For example, in developed countries, wh ere there are widespread ties between different communities, wealthy people more easily give their money to certain projects. But in undeveloped countries that live in rather closed cultures, there is no such thing as sharing with anyone other than neighbors. At a lecture, Gianluca will talk about this more specifically and interestingly. It is a pity that so far Russia as a country with a transition economy has not entered this experiment. But perhaps this will still happen. It seems to me that it is very interesting to see what situation in this sense is in our country.
Dr Gianluca Grimalda himself defines his area of interest as follows: “I am an economist-experimenter who is interested in the psychological and cultural foundations of human cooperation, especially in the international context.” Gianluca participated in the Trustlab project, led by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and led pilot studies in developing countries such as Colombia and Papua New Guinea. His research has been published in multidisciplinary journals such as PNAS and Nature Communications. He was the coordinating author of the International Group on Social Progress and the chair of the Think20 network on social cohesion and global inequality, providing policy advice to the G20 G20 countries.
Gianluca Grimalda can be found:
Twitter: @GGrimalda
Email: gianluca.grimalda@ifw-kiel.de
Website: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/experts/ifw/gianluca-grimalda/