IEM Professor acted as opponent at defense of doctorate thesis at Russian-Armenian University (Erevan)

IEM Professor Olga Belomytseva acted as an opponent at the defense of the doctorate thesis by Hachatur Baboyan dedicated to the methodology of finance management at the Russian-Armenian University (Erevan).

The Chairman of the Dissertation Council of the specialty 08.00.03 “Finances and Accounting” is the Rector of the Russian-Armenian University Edvard Sandoyan.

The Dissertation Council functions with the participation of Russian academic economists. The deputy chairman is Mikhail Golovnin, the Director of the Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Council also includes Marya Abramova from the Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation and Professor of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade of Peter the Great St. Peterburg Polytechnic University.

The Hachatur’s Baboyan dissertation was completed at the Institute of Economics after M. Kotanyan of NAS RA. The topic of the thesis is at the crossroads of finances and accounting and dedicated to the finance management of the capital structure, paying capacity and liquidity. The defense of the thesis was carried out in Russian and Armenian languages simultaneously.

For the last two years I have worked closely together with the representatives of CIS countries, particularly Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. This defense is my first experience of working with an Armenian university. I look forward to future cooperation, Olga Belomytseva says.