Check-in process of International Conference “Economics Through Eyes of Young” lasts until April 30
We invite students, post-graduate students and young scientists to take part in the International Conference “Economics Through the Eyes of the Young” which takes place at IEM on May 16-17. The applications and talking points are submitted till April 30. Authors of best papers from the bachelor students will receive 10 additional portfolio points for IEM Master Programs. All the speakers will receive certificates, diplomas for best reports and memorable prizes.
The final program of the Conference will have been issued by May 9 and published here
Preliminary Program
1. Macroeconomics of the State (in cooperation with the Bank of Russia)
2. Innovations and Public Wellfare
3. Management and Entrepreneurship
4. Organizational Behavior and HR
5. Finance and Accounting
6. Math Models for Business Decision-Making
7. Issues of Economic Security
8. Current Issues in Modern Economics and Management: Fresh Look and New Solutions (online in English)
Simulation Game “On the First-Name Basis with Finances”
Participation format:
The main events of the Conference will be carried out offline with the possibility of online participation for out-of-city members.
Languages of the Conference: Russian, English
The Conference materials will be published in e-collection of the Conference papers. Each article will be RSCI indexed.
The applications are accepted till April 30.
The participants have to register and provide info for the check-in here.
The talking points of conference’s reports are received up to April 30. Speakers have to state abstract in accordance with rules (see below) in Word-document (.doc or .docx) and sent the e-mail to the organization committee (egm.tomsk@mail.ru). The text of abstract must reflect the results of fundamental or applied researches’ and be presented in Russian and English.
Organization committee have the right to edit abstract without changing the scientific content of author’s variant or decline materials due to their inconsistency with the issue, text design and its originality (less than 75%), check-in outdate or organizational requirements.
According to results of sectional sessions, competition for the best report will be held. The best reports from Undergraduate students will receive additional 10 points to their portfolio during admission to the IEM master programs.
Each reporter will get certificate of participation, diploma for the best section reports and memorable prize.
Requirements to the materials
Rules and a sample abstract are included into the information letter.
Address: Russian Federation, 634050, Tomsk, Ushayka river embankment st., 12. the National Research Tomsk State University, Institute of Economics and Management.