Coca-Cola is waiting TSU students for practice and internship
On November 13, TSU and Coca-Cola HBC Russia have signed an agreement. TSU is in the TOP-20 priority Russian universities, with which the company establishes collaboration. Under the agreement, it will be organized some events for TSU students that will help to learn more about building a career in an international company. Lectures and seminars from Coca-Cola HBC Russia experts, business cases, job fairs, vocational guidance excursions to production – it is only a part of possible opportunities. The university students will also be among the first to receive information about Coca-Cola HBC Russia positions that have opened for beginners and apply for participation in three months internships and a biennial training program for future managers.
- The University provides not only basic and subject knowledge, not only soft skills and digital skills, but we also want our graduates to decide and make a responsible decision about what they want to do next, - said Victor Dyomin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management. - This can be done only by creating an appropriate environment in partnership with potential employers. Coca-Cola HBC offers joint educational programs and internships at the company's enterprises in different regions of Russia. We give students the opportunity to adapt to the working conditions even in the process of study, so that they graduate from the university, already possessing competences, confidence, and some experience.Victor Dyomin emphasized that first of all, we are talking about IEM students: managers, economists, and logistics specialist. But Coca-Cola is a multi-disciplinary company, it also has a technical component, so collaboration is also possible for other specialties.
- Для нас важно, как построена работа молодежи в России, и нам важно, чтобы студенты после окончания учебы могли без стресса вступить в профессиональную деятельность, - прокомментировал подписание соглашения региональный генеральный директор по продажам Coca-Cola HBC Россия по территории Урала, Сибири и Дальнего Востока Роман Кузнецов. - Все студенты ТГУ, вне зависимости от выбранных профессий после окончания обучения могут найти себя, в том числе и в нашей компании. Пройдя практику у нас, студенты смогут принять решение, хотят ли они работать у нас или в какой-то другой компании. Мы, пищевики, конкурируем на рынке, и каждый заинтересован иметь у себя лучшие кадры. Мы сотрудничаем с российскими вузами, но в Томске ТГУ первый и единственный, и проект этот долгосрочный.
- It is important for us to know how the work of young people in Russia is structured, and it is important for us that students can enter professional activities without stress,- commented the signing of the agreement Kuznetsov Roman, Regional General Sales Manager of Ural, Siberia, and Far East, Coca-Cola HBC Russia. - All TSU students, regardless of the chosen professions after graduation may find themselves, including in our company. After the practice, students will be able to decide whether they want to work with us or in some other company. We, the food industry, are competing in the market, and everyone is interested in having the best personnel. We collaborate with Russian universities, but in Tomsk TSU is the first and only, and this project is long-term.
The possibility of collaboration with the company opens already from the moment of signing the agreement.