IEM master students learnt about international partnership of Tomsk Region

The Chairman of International Business Activity Committee of Tomsk Region Administration Elena Ivanova held a workshop for IEM master students on December 4.

The workshop was a part of «Dissertation Methodology» course, the manager of International Management program Olga Nedospasova says. One of the workshop’s goals was to deternine the sphere of research interests and preliminary choice of dissertation topic.

Elena Ivanova told the students how the international business activity organized in Tomsk Region, what structures are involved into the process and what functions the Department for International and Regional Affairs and its subcommittees have.

The matters of students’ interest:

·         International projects implemented in Tomsk Region

·         Successful examples of small and medium businesses’ participation in the projects

·         Spheres of economy of developing projects

·         Possible means of support for importers and exporters in Tomsk Region

·         The ways of increasing tourist attractiveness of the region

·         Potential life trajectories for foreigners in Tomsk.

As a line of research for the master’s thesis students can choose one of the fields of international business in Tomsk Region. They can also undertake an internship at the Department for International and Regional Affairs of Tomsk Region with possible future employment.