IEM post-graduate students talked about their researches at seminar
The seminar took place at IEM where the post-graduate students shared the provisional results of their researches and marked the planes for the future.
The post-graduate students of Astana International University Bolat Baltabaev and Alexander Sukhanov together with IEM post-graduate student Chang Ze from China talked before the audience. IEM colleagues asked their questions and expressed the wishes for the future work.
Two post-graduate students – Bolat Baltabaev and Alexander Sukhanov have joined the professional development program “Research Methodology in the Fields of Economics and Management” as an internship learning best academic practices of TSU and writing their thesis works. Their academic advisers for the internship are IEM Professors Inna Krakovetskaya and Maria German.
During the seminar Alexander Sukhanov talked about realization of Kazakhstan economic interests within the Belt and Road Initiative which is the world’s biggest infrastructural project with the participation of 150 countries. Two out of six transport routs of the project lead across Kazakhstan.
Aleksander has formulated several questions for his research:
- How will participation in the Belt and Road Initiative help the development of transport and logistic complex and diversification of the economy?
- How to estimate the effectiveness of the participation for the national economics?
He mentioned that its necessary to develop a cohesive systematic approach to the development of Kazakhstan transport system considering the initiative and work out measures to increase the economical effectiveness of the participation. Future work is connected with policy formulation for evaluation of the influence of infrastructure projects on sustainable development of the involved regions.
Bolat Baltabaev’s research is dedicated to innovative HR management in banking sector. He also gave a lecture “Innovation Management” for the Master students about new challenges for the modern banking system.
I shared my experience, talked about the cases existing in Kazakhstan, after that we compared Kazakh bank “The Caspian” with SBER and Tinkoff. “The Caspian” is the number one financial technology system in Kasakhstan. It can provide up to 80% of existing digital finance services. I also talked about such an unusual possibility as marital proposal with a bank app. In my opinion the innovations help a company to obtain the clientile by developing human resourses, Bolat Baltabaev says.
The post-graduate student Chang Ze from China (the academic advisor is IEM Professor Olga Nedospasova) works on correlations between corporative environmental responsibility and financial performance of companies.
The post-graduate student mentions that due to deteriorating environmental situation, the companies as major sources of the pollutions are gradually becoming the leading force of environmental regulation. Thus, the corporate dilemma of the financial performance and sustainable development vs matters of environmental pollutions is becoming more and more sound.
In his opinion, despite the fact that there are lots of researches of the correlations between corporative environmental responsibility and financial performance of companies, there is no general consensus on the matter. Therefore, Chang Ze offers his recommendations for the Chinese government for the measures necessary to increase the environmental responsibility of the companies.