IEM postgraduate student Zhang Ze won TSU competition for enhanced scholarship
The enhanced scholarship for TSU postgraduate students is given for achievements in research activities such as papers in leading peer-reviewed scientific publications and reports at Russian and international conferences. As the winner Zhang Ze has been getting a third level scholarship which is more than a hundred thousand rubles per month.
As the researcher Zhang Ze works at finding connections between corporate ecological responsibilities and financial results of companies. His academic adviser is IEM Professor Olga Nedospasova.
The point of the research is that due to deteriorating environmental situation, the companies as major sources of the pollutions are gradually becoming the leading force of environmental regulation. Thus, the corporate dilemma of the financial performance and sustainable development vs matters of environmental pollutions is becoming more and more sound.
Zhang’s goal is to find the correlations and to prove the role of corporate ecological strategy and “green” innovations in the system. He has recently published three scientific articles and is going to publish another one in March.
Currently Zhang is working on his thesis and writing the article «Assessing the impact of environmental protection tax on corporate sustainability» which he is planning to publish in the Journal of Tax Reform.
I am interested in the matters of environmental responsibility and sustained development, because those are important for future generations. I have chosen postgraduate study at IEM TSU first a wall because of the location - I wanted to live in Siberia. Fresh air and quiet environment help me to concentrate on my research. Besides I had been impressed with TSU international ratings and feedback by former TSU students. I am sure that TSU is going to steer my career to the right course. TSU educational program will provide lots of opportunities for my professional development, Zhang Ze says.
The young scientist plans to spend the scholarship on his professional development and publication of his articles in international scientific journals. We wish him lots of luck with his work!