IEM students took part in an international symposium in Germany
The delegation of IEM students was one of the most numerous at the annual international symposium in Tübingen (Germany) that was dedicated to topical economic issues. Two students of the Tomsk group joined the board of the Dialogue, Association of Economists of Russia and Germany, which was the organizer of the symposium. Dmitry Khloptsov, Head of the IEM Economics Department, Chairman of the Tomsk branch of the Dialogue Association, was elected a member of the international supervisory board.
Each year, the Dialogue Association holds a symposium on topical economic issues (in 2016, the symposium was held at TSU). This year, the 22nd symposium in the campus of Tübingen was devoted to the topic “The Future Prospects for Renewable Energy in Germany and Russia”. The Association today includes eight German and Russian regional groups. Since 2002 the Tomsk regional group has begun its activities on the basis of the TSU Department of Economics, and today it is actively working on the basis of IEM.
The Tomsk group at the symposium was quite large and the representatives of Germany noted that Tomsk made a significant contribution both to the organization and to the event itself. The significance of the contribution is confirmed by the fact that the Tomsk citizens were elected to the governing bodies of the association: Dmitry Khloptsov, Head of the Economics Department at IEM, Chairman of the Tomsk branch of Dialog, became a member of the international supervisory board; Yegor Ushakov, an IEM undergraduate was elected Chairman of the Association for Finance in Russia, Nina Saksonova, the 4th-year student became Chairman of Public Relations in Russia.
- This means a lot fr om the point of view of German administrative law,- explains Dmitry Khloptsov. - Members of the international supervisory board are brought in different registers, including in the German Ministry of Justice, wh ere it is noted that a member of the board is from Tomsk State University. For economics students participating in the symposium is of great importance for further study: it is an opportunity to choose the topics of dissertations, to understand problematic issues, and to communicate with international experts in this area. Not only listen to the reports but also see with your own eyes the practice of introducing economic processes into real life in European countries.
According to Khloptsov, the sum of these circumstances gives several significant advantages both for the student community and for the IEM. Firstly, both students and teachers get a greater understanding of the international educational activities, of the international scientific community. Secondly, the Europeans have already noticed and constantly note the great activity of Tomsk economics students, all this positions both TSU and Tomsk as a whole as one of the significant Russian scientific centers and centers of higher education.