“MBA-Agrobusiness” graduates obtain MBA diplomas at IEM TSU

The awarding ceremony of International MBA diplomas of Association for European Life Science Universities to the graduates of the professional development program “MBA-Agrobusiness” took place at IEM TSU. The agricultural sector managers had already obtained TSU diplomas earlier.

The “MBA-Agrobusiness” is the highest degree at business education enabling managers and specialists with higher education interested in continuous development to improve their knowledge of agricultural business. The program is carried out under the aegis of the Association for European Life Science Universities. It is the fourth commencement of the program since 2017.

Among the graduates are managers and employees of leading Tomsk and Siberian agricultural companies.

The program contained seven modules: economics and law, marketing, finances, management, logistics, modern agricultural business technologies and writing of final research paper in English and Russian. Each final research paper had to be reviewed by one Russian and one foreign expert. The final research paper defense is conducted in English on a session of the qualifying commission with a visiting foreign expert. In 2013 Rudkovskaja Olga Gennadievna, Ph.D. in Economics, head of department of Belarus State Economic University was invited as the expert.

The final research papers were dedicated to different aspects of agriculture: evaluation and development of agricultural organizations, cost-benefit evaluation of government grants, cost-benefit evaluation of investment projects, implementation of lean management means, soil remediation in agriculture, productivity increase of agricultural sector enterprises and so on.

The diploma awarding ceremony took place in TSU organ hall. The graduates were congratulated by the Fist Vice-Rector Victor V. Dyomin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs Artyom Yu. Rykun, IEM Director Evgenya Nekhoda, Deputy of Department Director of Tomsk Region Administration Darya Balaganskaya. The lecturers who helped the graduates with the program and graduation works also attended the ceremony.

The program started in 2017 in cooperation with foreign partners, since then there have been about 50 graduates all of whom are managers and leading specialists of agricultural business and food industry, the First Vice-Rector V. Dyomin says. Russian and international expertise of the graduates’ final research papers indicates good managerial and business skill sets. It is important to mention that all the students of the program are practitioners of agricultural business, therefore this additional training will let them use modern internationally recognized management methods and achieve success in their work. I would like to mention that despite some difficulties in communication the Association for European Life Science Universities had confirmed that our program meets all necessary requirements, so we were able to award internationally recognized diplomas to the graduates.

The photos

For your reference:

In 2022 the “MBA – Agrobusiness” program of IEM TSU was additionally certified as acceptable to AGRIMBA standards.