Offshorization, pyramids schemes, digital twins through the eyes of young researchers: The Institute of Economics and Management hosted an international conference

On May 16-17, IEM hosted the international conference “Economics in the Eyes of the Young”, which was attended by students, postgraduates and young scientists. The organizers noted the serious scale of the event and great involvement of the attendees. All participants received certificates of appreciation and prizes for the best presentations.
- We have about 200 registered participants, which is almost twice as many as usual, - notes Mikhail 
Chikov, IEM Deputy Director for Research. - The geographical range is also quite diverse - Uzbekistan, 
Kazakhstan, Belarus, as well as China, Laos, and Vietnam. The sections were moderated by the students 
themselves, and professors acted as experts. The presented topics were very different, describing the 
current state of the economy, sanctions policy, and possible prospects for the future in all spheres, 
including the micro-level, entrepreneurship, and so on. Another interesting feature is that this year the 
English-language section was held in person, and there were many audience members.
The conference included 8 sections: “Macroeconomic Policy of the State” (jointly with the Bank of Russia), “Innovations and Public Welfare”, “Management and Entrepreneurship”, “Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management”, “Finance and Accounting” (jointly with the Self-regulated 
Organization of Auditors Association “SODRUJESTVO”), “Mathematical Models of Business Decision Making”, “Problems of Economic Security” and “Current Issues in Modern Economics and Management: Fresh Look and New Solutions” (in English).
The plenary session raised the most diverse and profound topics - fr om business confidence and efficiency of government procurement to the problem of financial pyramids. IEM student Nikita Dezhemesov focused his report on the impact of offshorization of the economy on the dynamics and 
scale of the leakage of investment resources from Russia: “I started writing about the socio-economic  consequences of offshorization of the economy in my 2nd year of study. Then I switched to business analytics and did a more detailed analysis. People underestimate the impact of offshorization because they think it affects only large companies. In reality, it affects the whole society,” Nikita says.
TUSUR student Polina Tennikova gave a presentation about the problem of inclusive education, and also noted that despite the fact that she does not represent TSU, it was very easy to take part in the conference: “My supervisor told me about this conference, it was very convenient and easy to apply, it was easy to interact with the organizing committee. So, perhaps, I will participate again."
IEM Master's degree student Andrey Smirnov and IEM Bachelor Daria Parfyonova were awarded with prizes for their active participation and the most interesting questions at the plenary session.
Next, the conference was divided into sections. The relevant topics included financial pyramids, digital twins, improvement of tax policy, environmental management, development of youth entrepreneurship, adaptation of foreign staff, the impact of AI, financial security of the population, 
pricing in the real estate market, shadow economy, economic cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan.
IEM student Vladislav Skorlupin shared his thoughts on social entrepreneurship: “Russian experience shows that the population associates socially oriented entrepreneurship most often with the provision of social support to certain categories of the population. provision of services or sale of products, meals at reduced prices. There is a set of attributes by which social enterprises can be distinguished, such as a high degree of accountability for the results of their activities.”
Esmira Mahmudova from IEM spoke about the results of the strategy of financial literacy development in Russia: “The Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Bank of Russia organize educational activities on a nationwide scale, including cartoon series for children, financial podcasts, and the My Finances website. 
Financial literacy increases every year, but despite the proactive measures taken, there are still problems in this area. It is necessary to stimulate the right patterns of financial behavior, adjust educational programs and improve public awareness”.
Darya Prokhozheva, a student of the Public Sector Department of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, raised the issue of migration policy in the focus of economic security. The presentation sparked an interesting discussion on whether all regions of Russia are interested in migrant inflows. For example, Valeria Kopilevich, an expert of the section, associate professor of the 
Department of Finance and Accounting of the IEM TSU, gave the example of Krasnodar Region, which banned hiring migrants, even those with work patents. “It is not only in Krasnodar Region that migration-related processes are being blocked in a certain way. In this regard, how can we call a region that does not give and does not receive? That is, there should probably appear some other category in terms of 
the given classification,” she noted.
For the first time in several years, the face-to-face section held in English was resumed - and proved to be in great demand. Several presentations, both in-person and online, were made by Russian and international students.
At the Finance and Accounting section, the experts paid special attention to questions that would allow students to consider the topic from a new angle and see the future perspective of the research.
During the second day the conference held “Science Slam”, wh ere the following speakers took part: Olga Blagoveshchenskaya - research scientist in economics (innovations in healthcare), IEM professor, with the presentation “Digital Healing”, Ivan Trusov - 3rd year bachelor, direction “Entrepreneurship and Project Management”, who suggested how to “Make someone fall in love with yourself in 5 steps” 
and Daria Demidova- 4th year bachelor, direction “Business Analytics” with the presentation “Still haven't made renovations? I know why!"
TSU Science Slam was held by the team of the “Science Granite” Center with the support of special-purpose capital #3 “Fund of Socially Important Projects” of the TSU Endowment Fund, as well as the strategic academic leadership program “Priority 2030”.
The media partner of the event is VKontakte.
Based on the levels of the applause from the audience, Daria Demidova was chosen as the winner:
- “I had an internship in Stroypark, so I felt from the inside how the construction sector feels, and decided to describe it in an interesting form. It was quite difficult to present scientific information in a way that would be interesting. You had to understand it well enough to be able to explain it in simple language. I really enjoyed working with Linar Akhmetshin's team, because they are very professional and can suggest a lot of neat things that support public speaking. I would like to work with them again,” said Daria.
The authors of the best bachelor's degree presentations received prizes and additional 10 points in their portfolios for admission to the IEM Master's degree programs.
The conference also included public lectures on the economics of fraud and the role of artificial intelligence in HR management. For example, Natalia Cherepanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management of IEM, spoke about how AI 
is used to assess the quality of employees' work, and sometimes even to make decisions on employment and dismissal - without involving HR staff. The use of chatbots, adaptation of new employees using a knowledge base, modern electronic document management, optimization of internal processes, identification of employee motivation - these are just examples of the many tasks that AI solves today. And today at the Institute of Economics and Management, students are already being trained to use these tools immediately after being employed by a company.
“We are introducing appropriate modules in our training courses. So, in the new semester, I will have updated relevant resources for students on this topic,” emphasized Lilia Tukhvatulina, Associate Professor at the Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management of IEM, 
Head of the Master's Degree Program ‘Strategic Human Resources Management’.
At the end of the second day of the conference, IEM graduate Christina Patalakha spoke about her experience of creating a startup (together with her sister) and developing her own project of producing youthful clothing with individual design. "Our project was created with a lot of love. It is something that was created not for the sake of money, but because my sister and I felt from childhood that it was what we were good at,” Christina shared and answered the students' questions about what were their fears when creating their own business, what were the mistakes and failures they encountered, what insights she could give and what is the starting point for those who would like to follow the path of 
entrepreneurship. The very lively meeting fascinated both the listeners and the speaker - at the end, IEM Director Evgenya Nekhoda emphasized that the Institute will definitely continue the tradition of hosting such inspiring meetings with young successful graduates.
We thank all the participants of the conference and we look forward to seeing you again
Photos from the conference can be downloaded here