The article of IEM scientists was published in a high-rated international journal on economics for the first time
In November, the European Research Studies Journal (indexed by the Scopus database, included in Q2 in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance) published an article by IEM teachers Svetlana Martynova (head of the Department of State and Municipal Government) and Polina Sazonova (senior teacher at the Department of State and Municipal Government) on the topic of women's entrepreneurship. At the moment, this is the highest-rated article in Economics that that ever has been written by TSU scientists.
The European Research Studies Journal is published by the University of Piraeus, International Strategic Management Association. The articles published in this area earlier were published in magazines from 3 quartiles. Other high-profile articles were published in Mathematics, Statistics, and other scientific areas.
The article Women's Entrepreneurship in the Innovative Regions of Russia in the Mirror of Qualitative Sociological Research is the result of research on the topic of the readiness of Russian women to do business.
According to the world rankings of women's entrepreneurship development, Russia lags behind the developed countries of the West. At the first stage of research in 2015, the authors found out that the readiness of young women to participate in business does not lead to a real increase in the number of women entrepreneurs at this age. What are the incentives and limitations that affect the real activity in business?
The next stage was the study of the life strategies of young women entrepreneurs. In-depth structured interviews in 2017 helped to collect valuable qualitative information on the development of women's entrepreneurship in Russia. The key in-depth interview topics focused on business motivation and expectations related to public services for entrepreneurs.
The high degree of independence, the need for individual life trajectories, an active mindset towards the fullness of self-realization (balance of work and life) - these are the incentives of young Russian women entrepreneurs.
At the same time, such women practically do not use support services from the official structures of small and medium business development. They receive this support from other sources: from professional associations and market structures. Also, the respondents could not provide positive feedback on the activities of the official structures for the development of small and medium-sized businesses from other entrepreneurs. Such a low importance of support from the public administration authorities for the organization of their own business is also a Russian feature.
Against the background of data in the scientific literature on reducing the participation of senior relatives in the family affairs of their children and grandchildren, the study showed that the assistance of senior relatives is just another resource for supporting young women entrepreneurs in Russia.
How to develop women's entrepreneurship with regard to Russian specifics? One of the ways should be to increase trust between the state and business.
- For us as authors, publication in a high-ranking journal means recognition by the authoritative scientific community of the validity of the research methodology and the significance of its results, and also the introduction of new data about Russia into the global scientific circulation- notes Svetlana Martynova. This may stimulate the conduct of comparative studies, the expansion of international contacts because the journal is published with the rticipation of the International Association of Strategic Management. The publication is also significant for the Institute as a whole as an increase in its credibility in the global scientific and educational community.