We announce our online Winter School of International Management (in English)
The online Winter School of International Management of TSU takes place at IEM on January 20-24
The participation is free of charge. Everyone is invited who is interested in global business, business communication, emerging entrepreneurial opportunities, and current social and economic challenges, and wants to communicate in English with native speakers.
The program includes solution of practical cases, work in international teams, workshops by international experts, an interactive roundtable with guest speakers from the academic and business communities.
The detailed program will be provided to registered participants and the classes will cover the following topics:
- Problem-solving skills for successful management
- How global is the global economy
- Global marketing specifics for consumer goods: how to avoid potential market failure
- Different Types of Subcultures and Their Influences on Consumption
- Design thinking: a creative way to solve problems
- Global market of higher education services and the place of Russia there
- International trade: new opportunities and restrictions
All participants will receive a certificate giving additional points upon admission to the Master's program in International Management at the IEM TSU.
The information about International Management Master Program: https://iem.tsu.ru/edu-management/
Alina Zhumagulova the Manager of the International Management Master Program
VK https://vk.me/id193974184
Olga Nedospasova the Head of the International Management Master Program